Frosted Glass

Author : Sabarna Roy

Publisher : Leadstart Publishing

Format : kindle


My Take

I picked up this book as I have read 2 books of the same author and liked it. This book is a compilation of poems and stories. The cover is good and aptly chosen to suit the title. The language is simple. Characterization is well developed.

What I liked?
The complication of the 14 stories and the 21 poems as one main story is interesting.
Each story reflects the reality of life.
The bold topics such as relationships and extra marital affairs have been discussed in a fictional way.
The poems which spill out warmth and depth are sequenced in such a way that one relates to it instantly.

What didn’t go well ?
The male protagonist named Rahul in each story was something that I couldn’t relate to as I was connected to the character of the previous story.
The long sexual escapades seem repetitive for me.

My Verdict

A good book that reflects the reality of life.

This post is a part of  book Marathon  2022  by Outsetbooks

5 thoughts on “Frosted Glass

  1. Last year I completed reading this book and I enjoyed it to be honest but not that much. As the area where you mentioned what yu didn’t liked was also same for me. But ut is a good book I must say. Keep Penning dear ❤️

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