Author : Ian Pinto


Format : Paperback

My Rating ⭐⭐⭐

My Take

Pen Downs by Ian Pinto is an Anthology of poems that the author has written and collected over the years. The book contains 50 poems on various topics. The first few pages have been dedicated to prayer and the Holy Spirit, on who’s inspiration the author claims to have written these pieces of poetry. The other pages have verses or musings based on love, life, friendship, death etc.

Some of the poems reflect emotions that are strong enough to stay back in the readers mind, while others are thought provoking. The quotes and the the illustrations add up to make the book interesting. The writing style of the author clearly indicates the author’s passion for poetry. Also the usage of simple words makes it easy to understand.
Though all the poems are good my favourite is
1. You Missed
2. I Needed You

My Verdict

A good one time read

This post is a part of  book Marathon  2022  by Outsetbooks

5 thoughts on “PENDOWNS

  1. for many months I am missing reading a poetry boo, especially the antho combo one. I feel this book is very much different from the typical poetry book that we usually read. I am impressed with the area where u mentioned the holy spirits and the inspiration part keep penning.

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