The Girl in the Glass Case

Author : Devashish Sardana

Publisher : Penguin Ebury House

Format :Paperback

My Rating : ⭐ ⭐⭐⭐

My Take

Books on psychopaths have always fascinated me. It is not only interesting but also gives a clear picture of what goes on in their psychic minds. I picked up this thriller  by Devashish Sardana for its intriguing tagline.

The story revolves around 2 serial killers one a ” Clipper who kills transgenders, and the other ” A Doll Maker who kills children especially boys who are brought up by their father single handedly. These 2 killers have a strange way of leaving a mark after they kill their prey.  One clips the testicle of the victim and the other dresses the corpse like a doll.

ACP Simone Singh who is incharge of the case along with her assistant Zoya, is on the lookout for these ruthless monsters. Will she be successful in her mission?  Why are these criminals doing this? Read the book to know more.

The story has been planned well and readers are exposed to various themes like lust, love, care, anger, revenge etc. Though its is a lengthy book it doesn’t turn monotonous or dry anywhere. The author with his captivating narration doesn’t lose his grip in keeping the readers hooked to the book. The character of the Nalini has been portrayed well.

As the story progresses, the unexpected twists gives one nail biting moments with goosebumps. The story is fast paced and the climax has been thought of well, though at some point the names were given out. The message has tried to convey the message that a disturbed and a traumatic childhood plays a havoc in a person’s adulthood as well.

My Verdict

A racy and an enthralling read…

This post is a part of  book Marathon  2022  by Outsetbooks

7 thoughts on “The Girl in the Glass Case

  1. i too have also picked this book up for its intriguing tagline. a few days back I too provided a review on this same book and lived your tale part where you mentioned your fascination towards this genre. keep penning.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I too have also picked this book up for its intriguing tagline a few days back I too provided a review on this same book and loved your take part where you mentioned your fascination towards this genre. keep penning.

    Liked by 1 person

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